Wii用ゲーム『Son of the Dragon』が発売中止に。メーカーが明かす理由とは何でしょうか。
『Son of the Dragon』は、ニンテンドーDS用FPS(一人称シューティング)『DEMENTIUM 閉鎖病棟』、『Moon』で知られるRenegade Kidが開発していたWii用ゲーム。ドラキュラ伝説をベースとしたハードコア層向けの内容でしたが、パブリッシャーによって開発中止の判断が下されたとのことです。
PSP Go unboxing in video and pictures
by Randy Nelson { Sep 19th 2009 at 12:15AM } Featured Story PlayStation
Sony's been a tad bit impish lately with its rollout of new hardware.
First it surprised us with a PS3 "Slim" on the very day it was announced --
today it hit us with a final retail PSP Go system just one night after we played a bunch of games on one at a preview event.
So, we of course got the unboxing on video (and in pictures below) but there was one stipulation:
We can't actually say anything about the final hardware until a week from Monday,
so you'll just have to enjoy the schweet tunes we picked for your aural enjoyment as the unboxing (and our vocal silence) unfolds.