Segway Company Owner Dies After Driving Segway Off Cliff
Just like the countless innovators, explorers and fine people killed in aFrankensteinian way by their own inventions, the owner of the Segwaycompany died yesterday after he rode off a cliff and into a river in Northern England.
Jimi Heselden, aged 62, was found at 11.40am yesterday by the RiverWharfe in North Yorkshire, with his X2 Adventure (pictured) by his side.
Police believe that it was just a freak accident, with nothing suspiciousabout the man worth $262m falling to his death.
It's particularly poignant as his company had only just purchased theSegway company in December 2009. He sounded like a really nice guy according to reports, a chap who left school at 15 to work in the mines,
but was fortunate enough to develop some interesting-sounding defense systems which made him millions.
He was one of those rare philanthropists who had given away millions to charity but didn't like to talk about it?at least ?23m ($36m) in the last few years alone, it's thought.
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